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January 25, 2025
Dental Health

Is It Effective To Get Botox For Bruxism? (Treatment For Teeth Grinding)

Is It Effective To Get Botox For Bruxism

Chewing and grinding is one of the practical ways for people to digest their food for better absorption. Without teeth, it may be hard to get all the nutrients that our body needs for living. Yet, dental complications like bruxism, which is the excessive grinding of teeth, is a nuisance. However, there are advancements in dentistry that can eliminate bruxism without having to undergo surgical procedures. Many treatments, like physical therapy, cosmetic treatments, and dental appliances, maybe one of your options. Moreover, you can ask professionals with a dental practice near Castle Hill, NSW, for a safer way to use botox for bruxism.


Breaking Down The Source Of Bruxism

Bruxism can happen at any day or time. Both nighttime and daytime bruxism have considerable impacts on a person’s lifestyle. One may not sleep very well with consistent teeth grinding before going to bed. On other days, a person can’t even speak or chew as the frontalis and temporalis muscles in the jaw limits the mandible’s movement. Until now, there is no definite cause of bruxism, but there are concepts where the source of teeth grinding comes from. Most dentists believe that accidents in the facial structure of a person can contribute to bruxism. Furthermore, neurology experts say that there are abnormalities in the nerves which signal the contraction of the jaw muscles. 


Symptoms Of Bruxism

Do you suspect that your teeth are suffering from involuntary grinding? Bruxism can be subtle for individuals without even knowing its symptoms. So, if you’re unsure about this dental disease, you should have a family member or a loved one check your habits. You may also do this by yourself as some symptoms can show later in time. 


Painful or Swelling Gums

Botox For Bruxism

Do you feel your jaws are painful with hints of redness? Inflammation in the gums can start from bacteria. But a damaged nerve due to accidents or injury in the jaw or teeth can lead to severe gum disease. If you encounter sharp, tingling pain in the gums or gum line, it may be best to visit your general dentist.


Chipped Or Cracked Tooth

Another physical sign of teeth grinding at night may come from a broken, chipped, or cracked tooth. If you continuously have bleeding gums, mouth sore, or other dental diseases, a dental specialist can effectively treat your teeth grinding condition. 


Irritability In The Morning Followed By Headaches

Common effects of problems in the masseter muscle after teeth grind are clenching of jaws. However, the result of this tension can lead to headaches and migraines after waking up. Irritability can also lead to other complications such as anxiety, sleeplessness, and agitation.  


Jaw, Neck, Or Ear Pain

In the long run, a person may immediately know the symptoms of bruxism as soon as there are painful experiences in the neck, ears, or jaw. Researchers say that clenching of the masseter muscle may even increase the chance of inflammation, swelling, or bleeding. You may hear from a doctor or a dentist about Botox for bruxism recommendations since it is one of the advanced procedures today. But, injecting BOTOX® is not the only option for treating the clenching issue. You may look for physical therapists, or orthopedics for further explanation for cases like bruxism.


How Does Botox For Bruxism Work?

Using Botox in the cosmetic industry already has a foothold for nonsurgical and noninvasive treatment. Many surgeons thank the invention of Botox as it is safe and effective against wrinkles, aging signs, and droopy skin. But, in the world of dentistry, it weakens the masseter muscle (the muscle responsible for moving the jaw), to prevent the involuntary grinding of teeth. Sessions go through several injections and even assistance from dental appliances like a mouthguard. For complicated concerns, not all patients can get injected with Botox. Some accidents and injuries already require surgery to retain broken bones and repair fractures. Botox is best for mild symptoms of teeth grinding and may only be done for young adults or teens with mature facial structures.


Is Botox For Bruxism Effective? Downsides Of Botulinum Toxin For Bruxism

Botox For Bruxism Treatment For Teeth Grinding

As dentistry has not yet perfected the treatment for bruxism, one may expect the limitations of the practice. According to the American Academy of Facial Esthetics (AAFE), Botox for bruxism isn’t a cure but can help control the significant symptoms. Moreover, some patients may take more than the three to four-month suggestions as the botulinum toxin may wear off after some time. You may have to go to another medical or dental specialist for continuing your bruxism treatment. There may also be unexpected side effects of cosmetic dentistry procedures like Botox. So, a patient must be well-prepared for any dangerous effects of injections like Botox for teeth grinding. 


When To Go To A Professional Surgeon

Botox for bruxism may be effective nor not. However, the solution for this jaw problem doesn’t stop in the injection of botulinum toxin. An oral and maxillofacial dental surgeon can analyze a severe case of TMJ or temporomandibular joint disorder together with bruxism. A doctor can also prescribe relaxants, medicine for anxiety and pain, or psychological assistance from a mental health specialist. You can go to Radiant Smiles Dental Group in Bundoora if you’re looking for a dentist that offers this service.

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